Noosa Brewing Company Pty Ltd ABN 39 601 901 151 (Heads of Noosa Brewing Co.) and other Noosa Brewing Company Pty Ltd
entities collect, hold and handle personal information about the individuals who are interested in
our products or services or with whom we have dealings. We take steps to ensure that we only
collect personal information which is relevant to our dealings with the particular individuals and
which is reasonably necessary for our business activities.
We may collect personal information from individuals through our marketing, sales, business
development, operational, human resources, research or other activities and we may disclose
personal information to external agents, service providers or consultants to assist in the provision of
our products and services.
We have a general policy to collect personal information directly from you, unless is it
unreasonable or impracticable to do so. However, in some cases, personal information may be
collected from third parties such as real estate agents, government bodies and other Noosa
Brewing Company Pty Ltd entities.
You may refuse to provide us with your personal information, however, if you do we may be unable
to assist or provide you with our products or services or information about them.
We may disclose your personal information to other Noosa Brewing Company Pty Ltd entities, and
our third party service providers and consultants, or other entities that assist us in running
campaigns or our business more generally. These entities may be located in other countries such
as Australia, the United Kingdom and other countries. Where we transfer your personal information
outside of your country, we take steps to ensure that your information is treated securely. You agree
that the obligations imposed by privacy laws in other countries may be less stringent than the
requirements established by the privacy laws in your country. Further information on how we may
collect, store, use and disclose your personal information can be found in our Privacy Policy.
Our Privacy Policy contains information about how you may obtain access to and seek correction of
personal information that we hold about you, how to make a complaint about an alleged breach of the
Australian Privacy Principles, and how your complaint will be dealt with. Alternatively, for further
information please contact our Privacy Officer at